Nature Club

Unnat Bharat Abhiyan


Under the committee of Unnat Bharat Abhiyan a visit was held on January 26, 2024, forty students from the BSSS IAS MBA batch 2023–25 with two faculty members and two non-teaching members visited to the village Dhandhar district Raisen M.P. on Republic Day. The following activities were commenced by the students during their visit: Plantation drive, Awareness on women health and hygiene and Importance of education to primary school children.

Best Out of Waste


On December 14, 2023, student member MBA batch 2023-25 of Nature's club of BSSS IAS hosted an event titled "Best Out of Waste" exclusively for in-house students. The objective of organizing this event was to bring together a diverse assembly of talented individuals to display their remarkable creations crafted from commonly overlooked items. Ranging from discarded materials to everyday objects, the event emphasized the infusion of creativity and a dedication to sustainability.